Saturday, July 31, 2010

The past 2 months in 1 post

Being the terrible blogger that I am I haven't posted anything since my first and last DB challenge. And while I have made numerous things in the past 2 months, I have no pictures to show. I'm working on that. So here's a rundown of the adventures had in the months of June and July.

Since our cucumber plant has been in full production mode for the last few months, I've had way too many cucumber than I know what to do with. In order to deal with this issue lots of cucumber recipes have been tried. I also gave lots of them away in an attempt to inspire others to try making pickles. I tried making pickles, 9 jars to be exact, and while they are certainly edible they aren't what I wanted at all. The future hubby (henceforth known as FH) and I have been drinking lots of cucumber water. We made cucumber infused vodka, which made for awesome mojitos. And this weekend I will be using my plethora of cucumbers to compete in Battle Cucumber and Black Pepper over on Foodie Fights. This will be my first battle and if you aren't familiar with the site I suggest checking it out soon.

Moving on from cucumbers and to desserts there have been a lot of cookies considering the terribly hot weather we've been having this year. There were the peanut butter cookies which came out very dry, I don't think natural and chunky peanut butter was the best choice. I also made lemon sugar cookies which tasted delicious but were much too chewy for my liking. The winner of the summer so far has been the gingersnaps. These cookies were most recently used to create Gingersnap and Peach Ice Cream Cookies. Homemade cookies and ice cream make for the best ice cream sandwiches and offer so many flavor possibilities.

In the savory foods department not too much exploration has occurred. I have re-entered the bread baking world and have started making a delicious Multi-Grain bread that is great for sandwiches and toast. I created what I am calling Kitchen Sink soup, due to the number of ingredients yet very simple cooking method. When the weather starts cooling off new adventures will be attempted.

And that's what I've been making for the last 2 months. In the non-food department I have also started making these really cool beer cap magnets. Pictures coming soon.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a busy 2 months! Good luck in the foodie fight!
